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  • API

    Jump to navigationJump to content Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourgluxembourg.luguichet.lugouvernement.luOther sites Logo BROWSE BY THEME Discover OpenData Data Dashboard Events CONTRIBUTE! SIGN IN / REGISTER Search Search LANGUAGE Arrêts de transport public et départs en temps réel This dataset comes from a certified public service API qui permet de connaître la liste et localisation des arrêts de transport public. À l'aide du résultat, on peut télécharger la liste des prochains départs en temps réel. L'URL http://travelplanner.mobiliteit.lu/hafas/query.exe/dot?performLocating=2&tpl=stop2csv&stationProxy=yes &look_maxdist=150&look_x=6112550&look_y=49610700 renvoie par exemple : id=A=1@O=Belair, Sacré-Coeur@X=6,113204@Y=49,610279@U=82@L=200403005@B=1@p=1459856195; Ce résultat peut être utilisé comme identifiant avec l'API de départs en temps réel : http://travelplanner.mobiliteit.lu/restproxy/departureBoard?accessId=cdt&format=json&id=A=1@O=Belair,%20Sacré-Coeur@X=6,113204@Y=49,610279@U=82@L=200403005@B=1@p=1459856195 { "Departure": [ { "JourneyDetailRef": { "ref": "1|132|29|80|6042016" }, "Product": { "name": "Bus 13", "num": "927", "line": "13", "catOut": "Bus ", "catIn": "AVS", "catCode": "5", "catOutS": "AVS", "catOutL": "Bus ", "operatorCode": "AVL", "operator": "Ville de Luxembourg - Service des Transports en Commun", "admin": "AVL---" }, "name": "Bus 13", "type": "S", "stop": "Belair, Sacré-Coeur", "stopid": "A=1@O=Belair, Sacré-Coeur@X=6113204@Y=49610280@U=80@L=200403005@", "stopExtId": "200403005", "prognosisType": "PROGNOSED", "time": "14:23:00", "date": "2016-04-06", "rtTime": "14:23:00", "rtDate": "2016-04-06", "direction": "Luxembourg/Strassen, Centre Hospitalier", "trainNumber": "927", "trainCategory": "AVS" }, { "JourneyDetailRef": { "ref": "1|144|29|80|6042016" }, "Product": { "name": "Bus 13", "num": "939", "line": "13", "catOut": "Bus ", "catIn": "AVS", "catCode": "5", "catOutS": "AVS", "catOutL": "Bus ", "operatorCode": "AVL", "operator": "Ville de Luxembourg - Service des Transports en Commun", "admin": "AVL---" }, "name": "Bus 13", "type": "S", "stop": "Belair, Sacré-Coeur", "stopid": "A=1@O=Belair, Sacré-Coeur@X=6113204@Y=49610280@U=80@L=200403005@", "stopExtId": "200403005", "prognosisType": "PROGNOSED", "time": "14:23:00", "date": "2016-04-06", "rtTime": "14:25:00", "rtDate": "2016-04-06", "direction": "Luxembourg, Gare Centrale", "trainNumber": "939", "trainCategory": "AVS" } […] ], "serverVersion": "1.0", "dialectVersion": "1.0" } RESOURCES NONE Description des paramètres de l'API temps réel Last modified on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 NONE Liste de tous les arrêts Last modified on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 XSD Définition du schéma de l'API Last modified on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 NONE Liste des arrêts de transport public autour d'un point Last modified on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 NONE API des départs en temps réel pour un arrêt donné Last modified on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 1 PRODUCER certified Verkéiersverbond Le Verkéiersverbond (Communauté des Transports) a pour principale mission l’amélioration de la coordination du réseau des transports publics. Il définit des actions et propose … + FOLLOW INFORMATIONS Creative Commons Zero (CC0) Real time March 30, 2016 August 23, 2016 April 6, 2016 POI BUS MOBILITE TRAIN TRANSPORT TRANSPORT-P... SUGGEST A TAG DETAILS Community contributions Explore with data.public.lu DISCUSSIONS Guillaume Rischard Paramètres plus courts Discussion started on Apr 6, 2016 with 1 message Bob W. How to use it? Discussion started on Apr 9, 2016 with 8 messages Fred Hilbert App Android et iOS Transit Discussion started on Aug 20, 2016 with 5 messages Andreas Zock The API doesn't work anymore since 01.01.17 Discussion started on Jan 2, 2017 with 5 messages + Start a new discussion Discussion between the organization and the community about this dataset. COMMUNITY RESOURCES + New community resource You have built a more comprehensive database than those presented here? This is the time to share it! REUSES Search for bus & train stops Search for bus & train stops ION Group ION Group January 6, 2017 Find bus or train stops in a GPS coordinates bounding box Find bus or train stops in a GPS coordinates bounding box ION Group ION Group January 6, 2017 Find bus or train stops around GPS coordinates Find bus or train stops around GPS coordinates ION Group ION Group January 6, 2017 Get single bus or train stop Get single bus or train stop ION Group ION Group January 6, 2017 Departure times in Eppeldorf Departure times in Eppeldorf Fränz Friederes Fränz Friederes July 12, 2016 LuxDepart LuxDepart Andreas Zock Andreas Zock June 1, 2016 Game of Traffic Game of Traffic Gary Cornelius Gary Cornelius April 11, 2016 Track Your Bus Track Your Bus Alexandre Overtus Alexandre Overtus April 9, 2016 Bus / train departures from a stop Bus / train departures from a stop ION Group ION Group April 9, 2016 All bus & train stops All bus & train stops ION Group ION Group April 9, 2016 National Rail issues National Rail issues Transport for Luxembourg Transport for Luxembourg April 6, 2016 + Add a reuse You reused these data and published an article, a computer graphics, or an application? It's time to let you know! Reference your work in just a few clicks and increase your visibility. OPEN DATA GUIDE As a citizen As a producer As a reuser As a developer API Usage Guidelines for Open Data Terms of use CONTACT Twitter Github info@data.public.lu News Feeds Renow An initiative by Digital Lëtzebuerg